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even we are in eid' mood, we need to care about our health, right?? anyone out there need our help?? We always there for you..Do contact and visit our blog. We will provide you with necessary and interesting information about herbs..Don't miss it!!!

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Jamu (formerly Djamu) is traditional medicine in Indonesia. It is predominantly herbal medicine made from natural materials, such as parts of plants such as roots, leaves and bark, and fruit. There is also material from the bodies of animals, such as bile of goat or alligator used.

In many large cities jamu herbal medicine is sold on the street by hawkers carry a refreshing drink, usually bitter but sweetened with honey. Herbal medicine is also produced in factories by large companies such as Fountain, Nyonya Meneer or Djamu Djago, and sold at various drug stores in sachet packaging. Packaged dried jamu should be dissolved in hot water first before drinking. Nowadays herbal medicine is also sold in the form of tablets, caplets and capsules

Popularity among physicians

Indonesian physicians were initially not very interested in jamu. During the second conference of the Indonesian Association of Physicians, held in Solo in March 1940, two presentations on the topic were given. During the Japanese occupation, Indonesia's Jamu Committee was formed in 1944. During the following decades, the popularity of jamu increased, although physicians had rather ambivalent opinions about it.

Jamu is often distributed in the form of powder, pills, capsules, and drinking liquid. Jamu shops, which sell only ingredients or prepare the jamu on spot as required by buyers, as well as women roaming the street to sell jamu, is a commonly seen way to distribute jamu in Indonesia. Nowadays, Jamu is also mass manufactured and exported. There are often concerns as to quality, consistency, and cleanliness in not only the locally distributed but also manufactured forms.

There are a few non-health related uses for jamu, which give it a bad reputation, among others, those which are used to enhance sexual pleasure rather than specifically cure illness. There are kinds of Jamu to increase stamina for men, tighten the vagina for women (with names like Sari Rapat (“Essence of Tightness”), Rapat Wangi (“Tight and Fragrant”), and even Empot Ayam (“Tight as a Chicken’s Anus”).Of course in a Muslim country these products are considered by some to be sinful, though for many women who consume it for such reasons it is to ward off promiscuity.

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Pour one sachet Jamu TolakAngin with 100ml hot water. Add beras kencur with Madu Jeruk Nipis and stir well. Drink it immediately with Genseng Pill to increase stamina. Afterwards, take Jahe Wangi with 5o ml hot water to neutralized aftertastes.

This is a traditional preparation.

 If illness persists please consult doctor. Keep out of reach of children. Store at dry and cool place

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Petani (Ma'ajun UbiJaga Tongkat Ali)



Traditionally used to improve energy and men’s health, to relief waist and joint pain, body weakness, blood circulation and improve bowel movement and urination.


1 tablet to be taken every day after meal

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Help you lose weight and helps reduce body fat

It is advisable to drink lots of water. Use of this product should be accompanied by: regular exercise, a diet low in calories and low in fat, not for hypertension disease for pregnant and lactating women.

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Manjakani (Putri Binari)


Traditionally used for regulating menstruation and urination relief backache and reducing white discharge

Direction for use:
2pills to be taken three times daily before meals


Not recommended for pregnant women

This is a herbal formulation

If symptoms persist, please consult the doctor

Store in cool dry place

Keep out of reach of children

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Pil Binari




Helps to enhance the menstruation, alleviate the pain during menstruation (dysmenorrhea), absorb the excessive of phlegm/mucus and eliminate unpleasant smell of the woman, retighten stomach and vital muscles after delivery women, makes slim, fit and full vitally body

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